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Selasa, 28 September 2010

Remove WGA

ever you got "maybe a victim of software conterfeiting blah blah blah" ...

do not worry and fear because of this issue can be completed without re-install software that will just usefull
to download it
click  download  
extra if you want the manual way Langkah2nya are as follows:

1. Open Task Manager with Ctrl + Alt + Del

2. Turn off the process called "wgatray.exe"

3. Restart / reboot the computer and go into safe mode

4. In safe mode, open the registry editor ato regedit via the Run menu. Type regedit and hit enter

5. In regedit, find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ Notify, then delete the folder / directory "WGALOGON"

6. Restart the computer as usual ...

good luck .

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