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Selasa, 28 September 2010

opera finnal release

As we all know, the opera is a browser that is very good and fast growth in browsing,, well, this time the browser company Opera released Opera 10.50 Final newest release ... the opera said that the opera 10:50 This course has a final release technology Sophisticated new that makes opera a leader in the fastest and browsing. In addition to excellence in opera view browsingnya this time even more attractive than other browsers and earlier versions, due to the appearance in this version follows the display windows seven interesting .. for those of you who use opera as default browser you should upgrade to this version for opera you better and steady ..

all new in opera v.10.50 final release:

* Exclusive Opera Turbo boosts compression slow connection speeds
* Innovative visual displays Web sites in tabs thumbnails
* Intuitive, sleek design
* Easy-to-personalize visual bookmarks Speed Dial
* Everything's built-in, no need for extensions
* It's free!

for those who download it click inigin
  Link Download

Internet Cell Boost Lite

internet Cell Boost Lite helps you to maximize / meningkatkankecepatan your Internet connection with a simple step and very simple. This program uses several unique techniques to increase the speed of your Internet connection up to the maximum limit, providing the best speed on your system can reach from the ISP you use.

It works by optimizing some hidden tweaks such as TCP RFC1323 Optimization, Secure TCP / IP and Maximum Transfer Unit in your Operating System. Internet Cell Boost Lite worked in 31 different connections, including DSL or Cable Modem, GPRS, UMTS, HSDPA, WiMax, and Dial-Up Modem. To use, simply select your connection type and click on "Apply My Custom Optimizations"

Download now

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cleaneradalah small software that has so many benefits for our computer software is functioning .. our Computer untukmembersihkan of unused files, fix registry, histories cookies on your browser and all the temporary out of your system, so akanmembuat Windows more quickly and light, and also efficiently give you more space on your hard disk.

CCleaner v2.28.1091 New Updated:

* Added support for custom locations for applications. eg: CustomLocation1 = FIREFOX | C: \ myFireFox \ Profile
* Improved detection and cleaning algorithm for new releases of the Mozilla based browsers.
* Added tasks to W7 jumplist news.
* Added new command line parameters: / CLEANER, / Registry, / TOOLS and / OPTIONS.
* Improved the MUI cache cleaning for Vista and Windows 7.
* Added information to Wipe free drive space status.
* Improved wipe the MFT free space routines.
* Improved the toolbar W7 feedback.
* Improved installments core processes and routines.
* Improved file search algorithm recursing Pls.
* Added support for Cleaning Paint Shop Pro 12.
* Improved support for IZArc and Axialis IconWorkshop.
* Minor GUI tweaks.

singakatnya This is software that must exist on your comp ...



Download now  (from www.d60pc)

Nero 9

all would already know and foreign ga ngedenger words nero (not gang nero) hehe ..nero is a popular software that is very handy and useful ... than software2 like nero considered better because it has a complete feature and very easy dioprasikan ..

Nero 9 is very easy to use and gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. ..

pokonya for those who do not have this software or who have a long version I recommend to download it because it will be useful for you. even though it paid the original software but of course I'll give it a full version and free ...

Nero Highlights:

* Fast and easy rip, burn, Autobackup, and copy functions
* Backup files to CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs *
* Create professional-looking DVD movies with integrated 3D menus
* Copy, burn, share, upload, and create music mixes like a DJ
* Convert music, photos, and DVDs to play on your iPod ® and other mobile devices
* Quick photo and video upload to My Nero and other online communities .**
* Watch, record, pause, and customize your live TV experience
* Play AVCHD and other HD formats
* Archive highest quality HD movies in the AVCHD format to HDD Including: USB sticks and flash memory cards, SD Card and Sony Memory Stick ®. even without the use of an optical recorder NEW!
This Software requires the Microsoft. NET Framework 3.0 to run on Windows XP

* A DVD-ROM drive is required for installation
* Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
* 1 GHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent AMD and Intel processor (2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD and Intel processor for Windows Vista), 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM for Windows Vista)
* 1.5 GB of hard drive space for a typical installation of all components
* CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc recordable or rewritable drive for burning
* DirectX 9.0c revision 30 (August 2006) or higher
* Up to 9 GB available hard drive space for DVD images and temporary DVD files
* Graphics card with at least 32 MB of video memory and minimum resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and 16-bit color settings (24-bit or 32-bit true color is recommended)
* Installation of the latest WHQL certified device drivers is strongly recommended
* For the Nero Online services: Nero product registration, product updates, patent activation, Gracenote services, Nero Online Backup, and other features (Such as photo sharing) an Internet connection is required.

ya download link ..

Download now (For installer)

Download now
  (For his key)
install instructions:

* Perform installation of Nero Nero 9 on file-
* When the initial process of registration will be required Serial Number, and already there are temporary serial number. So just proceed at this stage

* Wait for the installation process samapai to complete. Nero 9 usual installation process will take a fair amount of time
* After finishing the installation process do not restart your computer
* Run File: Nero.v9.x.KeyGen.exe
* On file Keygen select the option Product: Nero 9.0. Not on Nero 9.0 HD

* Next click on the option: Remove All Serials
* You can generate another serial if the default does not work
* Next click on the option: Add To White List

* See information indicating successful
* Restart your computer
* Finished

paint.Net is software that can be used to manipulate photos with ease, this software is software that is very simple and also very easy to dioprasikan ..
Features of Paint.NET:ย ท Simple, intuitive user interfaceย ท Every feature and user interface element was Designed to be intuitive and Quickly Immediately learnable without assistance. It is Also Designed to be Immediately familiar to users of the original MS Paint That software comes with Windows.ย ท Layersย ท Usually only found on expensive or complicated professional software, layers form the basis for a rich image composition experience. You May Think of Them as a stack of transparency slides that, Pls viewed together at the Same time, form one image.ย ท Powerful Toolsย ท Paint.NET includes simple tools for drawing shapes, Including an easy-to-use curve tool for drawing splines or Bezier curves. The Gradient tool, new for 3.0, has been Cited as a huge improvement over similar tools provided by other software. The facilities for creating and working with selections is powerful, yet still simple Enough to be picked-up Quickly. Other powerful tools include the Magic Wand for selecting regions of similar color, and the Clone Stamp for copying or Erasing portions of an image. There is Also a simple text editor, a tool for zooming, and a Recolor tool.Unlimited History ย ทย ท Everybody makes Mistakes, Their mind and everybody changes. To accommodate this, every action you perform on an image is Recorded in the History window and May be undone. Once you've undone an action, you cans Also redo it. The length of the history is only limited by available disk space.ย ท Special Effectsย ท Many special effects are included for perfecting your images. Everything from blurring, sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise, and embossing are included. Also included is our unique 3D Rotate / Zoom effect That makes it very easy to add perspective and tilting.ย ท Adjustments Also included are the which help you tweak an image's brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, curves, and levels. Also You can convert an image to black and white, or sepia-toned.ย ท Open Source and Freeย ท Paint.NET is provided free-of-charge, and the source code (all 133,000 lines of it) is Also available for free under Generous licensing terms. The bulk of Paint.NET is written in C #, with only a small amount of code related to setup and shell-integration written in C.

if you have trouble to download it you can use USDownloader, because the link that I will give is from rapidshare ..

Winamp Pro 5.572 Build 2830 Final Multilingual Full

Winamp Pro 5 572 Build 2830 Final Multilingual Fullmake this software have kyanya ga in length jelasin dh ..pokonya for those who want to winamp in kompnya hear music and hobbiessoftware download deh ni ..This rapidshare also so I suggest that use USDownloader SotwareI've previous post

 untuk download

Remove WGA

ever you got "maybe a victim of software conterfeiting blah blah blah" ...

do not worry and fear because of this issue can be completed without re-install software that will just usefull
to download it
click  download  
extra if you want the manual way Langkah2nya are as follows:

1. Open Task Manager with Ctrl + Alt + Del

2. Turn off the process called "wgatray.exe"

3. Restart / reboot the computer and go into safe mode

4. In safe mode, open the registry editor ato regedit via the Run menu. Type regedit and hit enter

5. In regedit, find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ Notify, then delete the folder / directory "WGALOGON"

6. Restart the computer as usual ...

good luck .

Ms .Net framework 3.5 sp1

make that make xp and still do not have this I suggest you download it .. this lightning-fast to run software2 that use. Net komp .. so you must have this ..


power sound editor

Power Sound Editor is software that berfung her as a visual audio editing, this software can help us to edit the song in many formats, even this software can mengconvertt song mp3 to wav so that you can use as a ringtone on your hp with the smaller size of course, because this software can do the ripping and cutting the song, to use anything you do not need to worry because the software is very easy and extremely user friendly, pokonya besides that there are many more other functions ..

Interested click

Black Bery Master Control

nih buat yang punya blackberry gw kasih software bagus, dijamin ga bakal blackberry master control ini adalah software yang dapat membantu anda dalam memannage blackberry anda, software ini juga dapat membantu anda untuk mendownload driver, os (operating system), dan juga aplikasi aplikasi tambahan lainnya..

nb : khusus hp blackberry..

bagi yang ingin klik download

Internet Download Manager

Internet download manageradalah sebuah tools yang dapat memudahkan kita dalam mendownload sesuatu dari internet, banyak fungsi fungsi yang dimiliki software ini seperti dapat me-resume download-an yang sedang berjalan, bahkan dapat menambah kecepatan mendownload anda..di versi terbarunya ini idm 5.18 build 8 telah support untuk kamu yang menggunakan os windows 7..pokonya bagi anda yang gemar mendownload software ini harus dan wajib anda download...

yang baru :
  • Fixed several bugs
  • Added Windows 7 support
  • Fixed critical bugs
Petunjuk Install IDM 5.18 Build 8 :
  • Download dan ekstrak IDM v 5.18 Build 8
  • Lakukan proses installasi pada file idman518.exe
  • Jika sebelumnya sudah terinstall IDM versi lama bisa menimpa dan melanjutkan installasi dengan file installer IDM yang baru
  • Setelah proses installasi selesai, tutup/exit program ini. Lihat juga di system tray pojok kanan bawah, apabila masih ada logo IDM klik kanan pilih exit
  • Copy file UNREAL Patch 5.xx(2009-07-10).exe kedalam folder installasi yang biasanya terdapat di : C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager
  • Kemudian jalankan file tersebut. Jika anda menggunakan Windows vista dan Windows 7, jalankan sebagai Run As Administrator
  • Finished
interested klik download 

Avira Antivir Personal 9

Seperti yang kita ketahui avira adalah anti viruis yang sangat terkenal dan handal dalam membasmi virus-virus nakal yang menggerayapi komp-komp kita..kebolehannya dalam menangani virus pun sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi, avira juga merupakan antivir yang sangat ringan di banding antivir luar lainnya juga tidak memberati memory komp kita sewaktu program ini berjalan...hebatnya lagi avira antivir personal inidi berikan secara gratis kepada kita semua untuk di download..untuk kualitas anda tidak perlu khawatir walaupun ini adalah freeware namun bukan berarti kualitasnya jelek,antivir gratis ini memiliki kualitas sangat baik, karena selalu terupdate file file virusnya,lagipula anda harus ingat murah itu bukan berarti murahan...

interested download

kis 2009

kis adalah antivirus sekaligus internet security yang sangat bagus dan dapat menjaga komp kita dari virus dan sangat cocok digunakan untuk computer/laptop yang sering terhubung ke Internet. Karena ketika kita mengakses internet tentu akan terdapat banyak celah yang bisa masuk kekomputer kita dan menebarkan virus, trojan, malware, adware dan file-file berbahaya lainnya. dengan kis masalah tersebut dapat teratasi dengan mudah dan cepat.
Selain ampuh untuk melindungi dan membasmi virus-virus, worms, trojan, adware, spyware, Pada KIS 2009 juga terdapat Online Security (Anti Pishing),sehingga memungkinkan pengguna merasa aman dan nyaman saat berselancar di internet.dalam penggunaannya kis 2009 tidak berat dan mudah digunakan..
untuk menggunakan nya kita diharuskan memiliki key kisnya namun anda tidak perlu khawatir karena key tersebut banyak tersebar di internet seprti situs

jika anda tidak sibuk mencarinya ada alternatif lain yaitu dengan menggunakan trial resseter yang tentunya akan saya berikan pula...

untuk penggunaannya
  1. anda hanya perlu menginstall kis sebagai trial version di komp anda
  2. setelah terinstall anda dapat menikmati software tersebut selama 30 hari.
  3. setelah 30 hari selesai anda tidak perlu khawatir,cukup matikan enable self deffense pada kis caranya setting -> option -> uncheck enable self-defense -> ok..buka trial resetter yang saya berikan,ikuti langkah2nya..
  4. pastikan avp.exe tidak berjalan di sistem, untuk mematikannya tekan ctrl+alt+delete -> akan muncul task manager -> pilih tab process -> terminate avp.exe.
    lalu running trial resetter – start resetter (tunggu proses selesai)
    setelah selesai anda bisa running kis 2009 menggunakan pilihan active trial version (membutuhkan koneksi internet).
  5. lalu anda dapat menikmati kis kembali dalam jangka wktu 30 hari jika telah habis anda hanya perlu mengulangi langkah2 diatas..
untuk program trial anda tidak perlu khawatir karena tidak ada bedanya dengan yang full, hanya saja memiliki batas waktu..

nb : untuk yang memakai key, jika ingin mengupdate, updatelah secara ofline agar tidak terdeteksi kalau keynya palsu.

kis 2009

opera 10.50 finnal release

Seperti yang kita semua tahu, opera adalah browser yang sangat bagus dan cepat baik dalam melakukan browsing,,nah,kali ini perusahaan browser ini mengeluarkan opera terbarunya yaitu Opera 10.50 Final release...pihak opera mengatakan bahwa opera 10.50 final release ini tentunya memiliki tekhnologi baru yang canggih yang membuat opera menjadi tercepat dan terdepan dalam melakukan browsing. Selain kehebatan dalam browsingnya tampilan opera kali ini pun makin menarik dibanding browser-browser lain, dan versi sebelumnya, karena tampilan pada versi ini mengikuti tampilan windows seven yang menarik..bagi anda yang menggunakan opera sebagai default browsernya anda harus mengupgrade ke versi ini agar opera anda makin baik dan mantap..

all new in opera v.10.50 final release :
  • Exclusive Opera Turbo compression boosts slow connection speeds
  • Innovative visual tabs displays Web sites in thumbnails
  • Intuitive, sleek design
  • Easy-to-personalize Speed Dial visual bookmarks
  • Everything built-in, no need for extensions
  • It’s free!
bagi yang inigin mendownloadnya klik Link Download

Psx emulator ps1

nih software mantap...buat yang pada kangen ato sekedar mau bernostalgia memaenkan ps 1 tapi uda ga punya consolenya,,,cukup mudah n simple kok,asal yang penting punya komputer..spek komputer kamu jg ga butuh yang tinggi,.

untuk cara menggunakannya sangat mudah jadi sepertinya tidak perlu di bahas karena sangat mudah dan simple..kalo masih ga bisa jg..bisa posting pertanyaan disini..

pokonya bagi yang ingin software ini cukup mendownloadnya dibawah ini..

klik download to get this file.

Pcsx 20.9.6

softwere ini adalah softwere bagi mereka yang ingin bisa maen ps2 di komp nya,emulator yang kami kasih kali ini udah include sama biosnya..jadi kamu ga perlu googling and nyari-nyari lagi biosnya..tapi sebelum mendownload pastikan dulu kalo komp kamu udah memadai buat maen ps2..nih sys requirement nya :

  • dual core keatas
  • ram minimal 1gb..
  • vga 512,,kalo 256 bisa tapi agak ngelag..
  • dianjurkan memiliki alcohol atau software sejenis..untuk mengubah cd menjadi iso..agar lancar bermainnya..
klik download...

Alcohol 120% blue ray disc

nah... kali ini kami akan memposting software yang sangat bagus dan alcohol ini adalah software yang sangat berguna bagi anda yang tidak memiliki drive dvd, ataupun yang memilikinya, karena software ini dapat menciptakan virtual dvd sekaligus membuat image dvd seperti iso,mdf,dll..berikut fitur lengkap yang dimiliki alcohol 120 % blue ray disc..

  • New! Burning any Datenzusammenstellungenmit the Xtra Wizard
    New! Photo and MP3 media with the Xtra Wizard burn
    New! Support for the latest type burner (Blu-ray, single, double, dual-layer DVDs)
    New! Faster and more stable Reading / Writing engine, and Dumping / Burning engine
    New! Enlarged firing Buffer: 256 MB for 32-bit systems, up to 1024 MB buffer for 64-bit systems
    WINNERS! Up to 31 virtual CD, DVD and Blu-ray drives
    Burns more than one medium at the same time: copying like mad!
    Backup: You simply copy your files to a CD, DVD or Blu-ray disc and you will create your one-step backup and extensive Datenmengen.MP3
    CDs: Put your music collection on CD or up to 54 GB of music files on a Blu-ray Disc together!

    and many more...

    interested klik Download

Tune up Utilities 2010

 tune up utilities bisa membuat kinerja komputer menjadi lebih baik,softwere ini mengecheck kerusakan pada komputer dan memperbaikinya,softwere ini juga memiliki fungsi dapat memperbaiki registry com anda,sehingga dapat menjadikan komputer kamu lebih cepat dalam beraktivitas..

as the result,softwere ini adalah softwere yang paling bagus untuk memperbaiki bagian dalam komputer..

bagi anda yang ingin memiliki softwere ini secara gratis,silahkan 
Download  di sini...

selamat menikmati :)

translator xp

Translator XP diprogram untuk melakukan penerjemahan kalimat secara analisis kata per kata dengan mencoba mendekati kaidah aturan bahasa yang sebenarnya. Translator XP akan mengecek hubungan jenis kata antara kata-kata yang berdekatan. Karena itu pada setiap databasenya, setiap kata selalu diakhiri dengan tanda (b),(k),(v),(t),(g) atau (s) yang sebenarnya menjelaskan jenis kata yang bersangkutan (kata benda, kata keterangan, kata kerja, kata penunjuk, kata ganti atau kata sifat). Khusus untuk bahasa Inggris, Translator XP mampu membedakan 5 tenses utama yang sering digunakan seperti Present, Present Perfect, Past, Future dan Present Continous, baik untuk kalimat aktif maupun pasif untuk pola positif, negatif dan interogatif.
disini juga ada sedikit game penterjemahan yang cukup seru.
bagi anda yang berminat mendapatkan translator secara freesilahkkan Download selamat mencoba :)